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Papa's 75th Birthday

May 30, 2009


Table decoration

I thought his ribbon looked so cool on the tablecloth

Kinsey at Papa's 75th Birthday Party

Kinsey sitting & waiting on Papa to arrive at the party

Papa's 75 Birthday Party

The Birthday Boy

Caden & Kinsey doing sidewalk chalk

Caden & Kinsey coloring "Dee's" sidewalks with chalk
(Kinsey's 1st time ~ She thought this was great!)

I love how his Turtles underwear are hanging out *L*

Cole & his crazy hair

Cole played very hard
This is his spiked & sweaty 'do!

Dee drawing Caden a house

Grandma "Dee" helping Caden draw a house
I love this picture

Kinsey & dessert

Miss Kinsey....This is after she ate her dinner & Aunt Calleen said, "Can she have something sweet?" I said yes thinking, "great, another cookie"
I turn around and she has her own PLATE of desserts.

Oh well, Papa only turns 75 once! And of course my first thought was,
"At least I'll get some good pictures out of this"

Kinsey & dessert

Little Miss Left Handed ~ Just like her Papa!

Partners in Crime

And lastly - Miss Kinsey & her partner in crime - Aunt Calleen

Lots of photos of Kinsey this time; you can tell who spends most of her time right there with me. Not to mention we had to fully document the first pigtails! After editing Sophie's pictures, I just had to do it! She even left them up all night. And when people told her she was pretty, she would reach up and touch the tip of one!

1 comment:

Janel said...

I just love the pigtails! I am going to try and do that to Jaicey tomorrow for the parade. We'll see how well it goes!!

Happy 75th Birthday to your Papa!!

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