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Little Miss Nora

Sunday, June 28, 2009

For my 2nd shoot this weekend, I met a little girl named Nora
and her Mommy at Center Lake. We did some poses in the gardens,
took her down to the lake and I shot some while standing in the water,
and then we took her for a dip in the fountains.
She's definitely a pretty little water baby!


I totally couldn't resist doing selective color on these eyes!
There are a few others I'm going to have to do like this also


It was so hard to choose between these
The flower pictures are my favorite!



Little Miss Serious
(Because Mommy won't let her eat grass or mulch!)


There was just so much for her to see!


She was so thrilled to be playing in the water
and so shocked when she splashed too hard and soaked her face a few times!

I had a great time, can't wait to take her year photos with her dogs!

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